Ballot Drop Box

Ballots must be dropped off by 7pm Election Night or received in the mail by noon 3 business days after the election. Regular mail can take up to 10 days within Arlington. We do not recommend mailing a ballot less than 10 days before an election. Completed Mail Ballots can be dropped off in person at the following locations and times.   

  • 24-hour Drop Box (locations below)

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24-hour Drop Boxes 

Address Description of Location
Courthouse Plaza
2100 Clarendon Blvd
Located outside of the entrance on Clarendon Blvd. 
Aurora Hills Community Center
735 18th St S
To the left of the entrance to the community center & library. 
Arlington Mill Community Center
909 S Dinwiddie St
On the sidewalk by the entrance on Dinwiddie St. 
Central Library
1015 N Quincy St
Located off the main parking lot close to the entrance to the ADA ramp. 
Langston-Brown Community Center
2121 N Culpeper St
Located off the main parking lot, on the southwest corner of the building. 
Madison Community Center
3829 N Stafford St
Located to the left of the Stafford St entrance by the dog park. 
Shirlington Library
4200 Campbell Ave
Located to the left of the main entrance into the library. 
Walter Reed Community Center
2909 16th St S
Located along the building to the right of the main entrance to the building. 
Westover Library
1644 N McKinley Rd
Located to the left of the library entrance on McKinley St.