Results & Data

Election Dashboard

Additional data below election dashboard.



June 2024 Democratic Primary Results

Round 1 Precinct Results.xlsx(XLSX, 21KB)

Ranked Choice Voting Round Summary.pdf(PDF, 60KB)

Official Election Results

  • Review Arlington’s current and past election results at the Virginia Department of Elections.
  • Print copies and most other election results prior to 2005 are available by request.
  • Statements of Results are available for 2 years after an election and open for public, in person inspection.  

Additional Historical Information

Post Election Reports



Arlington Specific Data

Statewide and By Precinct Data

Statewide turnout is available here: Virginia Department of Elections - Registration/Turnout Reports. From this site, you can also download precinct level data for the entire state by election in csv. 



List Maintenance Activities 

The Department of Elections prepares annual reports for the General Assembly on their list maintenance activities. 

NVRA Reports

The Department of Elections also publishes monthly reports in PDF and CSV that contain voter registration data to comply with the National Voter Registration Act. Reports include all Virginia jurisdictions listed alphabetically by county, then city. CSV data can be filtered to isolate Arlington's data. Arlington's locality code is 013. 

Recommended Reports

Registrant Counts by Locality - Lists the number of registered voters in each precinct by voter status. Statuses include:

  • Active
  • Inactive. These are voters we believe have moved from the address listed based on data collected from the USPS or returned mail. 
  • All. Total voters Active + Inactive
  • Military
  • Overseas. These are voters who reside overseas but intend to return to Arlington. They are overseas by virtue of their employment, students, etc. 
  • Federal. These voters permanently live overseas. They do not intend to return to Virginia. They are eligible to vote for federal offices only. Voters indicate this on the Federal Post Card Application. 

 Locality Statistics - Shows the number of voters added and canceled each month and cumulative by year. 

  • ReReg - Reregistration. Every application received must be processed. This status means an application was received, but all of the information received matched an existing registration. 
  • New - New voter to Virginia
  • Reinstate - Voters who have been reinstated. This includes but is not limited to felon reinstatement, moving back into the Virginia, etc. 
  • Trans In - Voters who have transferred into Virginia from another jurisdiction. 
  • Chg In - Voters who have had name, address, or change in status within Arlington. 
  • Change Out - Voters who have had name, address, or change in status within Arlington.
  • Trans Out - Voters who have moved out of Arlington elsewhere in Virginia. 
  • Reg Purge - Voters who have been inactive for 2 federal elections who have had not activity are removed from the rolls per NVRA. 
  • Deceased 
  • Felony
  • Incom - Voters declared mentally incompetent by a Virginia court.
  • Reg Error - An error was noticed with this registration. 
  • Out of State - Voters who have been identified by other state's voter registration agencies as having moved into their state, or who have indicated they no longer live in Virginia. 
  • Per Choice - Voters who have requested to be removed. 
  • Other

 NVRA Statistics Report - Lists how many voters registered to vote by agency (DMV, online, etc.)




Campaign Finance

All candidates in Arlington are required to file campaign finance reports online. 

Ballot Access

Lists of candidates is available under Election information. To obtain contact information for a campaign, email or call our office at 703-228-3456. Ballot access documents are available through a records request.


Your Data

Access your Voter Registration Record Online

Did you know that you can confirm your voter registration online? The Citizen Portal includes your voting history, status of mail ballot, district and polling place information. Access your Voter Registration Record Online

Your Privacy Is Our Priority (PDF)(PDF, 78KB)

The Office of Voter Registration & Elections is committed to safeguarding your personal information. Below is a summary of laws in Virginia governing the release of information collected by our Office when registering to vote, voting, running for office, or working at the polls. We adhere to the County’s privacy principles of collecting only data that is necessary, ensuring data integrity and accuracy, disclosing how your data is used, and to secure and protect your information.

Release of voter registration and election information is controlled by several state and federal laws. Broadly speaking, Virginia election law is more restrictive than Virginia FOIA law. Items listed below are covered for in Code of Virginia § 24.2 or by federal law. As such, they are not available under Virginia FOIA law. 

Voter Registration Information

Lists of registered voters containing the name, residence address, year of birth, and last four digits of social security names is provided for a reasonable fee to qualified persons or entities pursuant to Code of Virginia § 24.2-405 from the Department of Elections. 

Qualified Person or Entity Allowable Purpose 
Candidates for election or political party nomination  To further their candidacy
Political Party Committees   For political purposes
Political Action Committees with a Statement of Organization on file with the Department of Election or Federal Elections Commission  For political purposes
Nonprofit organizations that promote voter participation and registration To promote voter participation and registration
Commissioners of Revenue and Treasurers For tax assessment, collection, and enforcement purposes
Virginia and federal courts For jury selection purposes
General Registrars For official use
Department of Motor Vehicles For maintenance of the voter registration system
Chief Election Officers of other states For maintenance of the voter registration system. List will not contain names.
Local government census liaisons To provide address information to the United States Bureau of the Census. List will not contain names. 
Clerk of the Senate and House of Delegates  To maintain a database of constituent addresses for the General Assembly. List will not contain names.
Withhold Residence Address from Public Records

Pursuant to Code of Virginia § 24.2-418(B) voters who meet the following criteria can provide a PO Box when they register to have a mailing address published in lieu of their residence address. There is currently no process to have your name withheld from lists available to qualified entities. By joining this program, you will not appear in the online Citizen Portal. 

  1. Any active or retired law-enforcement officer, as defined in § 9.1-101 and in 5 U.S.C. § 8331(20), but excluding officers whose duties relate to detention as defined in 5 U.S.C. § 8331(20);
  2. Any party granted a protective order issued by or under the authority of any court of competent jurisdiction, including but not limited to courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia;
  3. Any party who has furnished a signed written statement by the party that he is in fear for his personal safety from another person who has threatened or stalked him;
  4. Any party participating in the address confidentiality program pursuant to § 2.2-515.2;
  5. Any active or retired federal or Virginia justice or judge and any active or retired attorney employed by the United States Attorney General or Virginia Attorney General; and
  6. Any person who has been approved to be a foster parent pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 63.2-900 et seq.) of Title 63.2.
Applications of Registered Voters

Redacted applications for registered voters received after July 20, 2011 are available for release to the general public under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) for a reasonable charge. Applications received prior to this date are available only to the Commonwealth’s Attorney, applicant, or applicant’s authorized representative.

Denied & Canceled Registrations

A list of denied registrations is available for 4 years to the general public for a reasonable charge. A list of canceled registrations is available for public inspection and copying for 2 years for a reasonable charge.

Voter History

The list of persons who have voted in an primary, special, or general election in the preceding 4 years is available for a reasonable price for qualified persons pursuant to Code of Virginia § 24.2-406 from the Department of Elections.

List furnished under this code section shall publish a post office box in lieu of a residence address for any voter who has met the criteria to have their address withheld under Code of Virginia § 24.2-418(B).

Mail and Early Voting Information

Virginia considers all ballot cast prior to election day to be absentee ballots. This includes mail ballots and votes cast early in person. Redacted mail ballot applications are available for Virginia registered voters to inspect for 2 years. Mail ballot applications are transferred to the Clerk of the Court following each election. 

The list of absentee voters is available to Virginia registered voters for 2 years for a reasonable charge. The final list of absentee voters is available for public inspection for 2 years.


Campaign finance reports are available from the Department of Elections. They are available for public inspection for a reasonable charge until 1 year after a final report is filed.

Candidate qualification forms are available for 5 years or through the next General Election for that office, whichever is later.

Election Officers

Names of appointed election officers are available for public inspection. The party designation of election officers assigned to work an election is available for parties and candidates for a fee. § 24.2-115

The phone number and email of officers will be shared with other workers in their assigned precinct to facilitate coordination prior to election day. 

Request Data

Most data requested is available from the Department of Elections. Please refer to their website before requesting data. Additional data might be available in the office. 

Submit your request one of these ways:

  • Mail: General Registrar, 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 320, Arlington, VA 22201
  • Fax: 703-228-3659
  • Email:
  • In person: 2100 Clarendon Boulevard, Suite 320, Arlington, VA 22201

FOIA Guidelines

Review Standard County FOIA Charges

Turnaround Time

We will respond within five working days. If we cannot respond to a request within the five-day working period, you will be informed in writing with an explanation as to why. This allows the County an extension of seven additional working days to respond, providing a total of 12 working days.

If someone requests a very large number of records, and we determine it cannot be filled within 12 working days without disrupting other County organizational responsibilities, the County may petition the court for additional time. However, the County will contact you to attempt to reach an agreement with you concerning the production of the records before going to the court as required by FOIA.

Requests under NVRA do not have the same response requirements as FOIA. Our Office will respond as soon as we are able to do so. 

Our Response

Arlington County will do one of the following:

  • Provide the records requested in their entirety or notify you where the record can be located if already publicly available.
  • Withhold all of the records requested, because they are subject to a specific statutory exemption (see below for information regarding exemptions). If records are withheld, you will receive a written explanation identifying the volume and subject matter of the records withheld and the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows the exemption.
  • Provide some of the records requested, but withhold others. An entire record will not be withheld if only a portion is subject to exemption. You will receive a written response stating the specific section of the Code of Virginia that allows exemption of a portion of the records.
  • Respond in writing that the requested records cannot be found or do not exist. However, if another public body has the requested records, contact information will be included in the response.

Effective November 1, 2018, standard FOIA rates shall apply for all labor and materials. Rates include an hourly rate cap of $25.00/hr. which will be charged for the administration of record retrieval.

Upon request, the County will provide an estimate for fulfilling the FOIA request.

  1. If the County estimates that its costs are $200 or greater an estimate will be provided and a 50% deposit will be required to be paid by the requestor prior to the records being retrieved and disclosed.
  2. Final Invoice for either the remainder (if deposit was paid) or total amount due will be provided to the requester at the same time as the County's response.

The County’s charges for FOIA are consistent with the following guidelines:

  • A public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records and shall make all reasonable efforts to supply the requested records at the lowest possible cost. 
  • No public body shall impose any extraneous, intermediary, or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general business of the public body. Any duplicating fee charged by a public body shall not exceed the actual cost of duplication.
  • Prior to conducting a search for records, the public body shall notify the requester in writing that the public body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for requested records and inquire of the requester whether he would like to request a cost estimate in advance of the supplying of the requested records set forth in subsection F of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia.
  • All charges for the supplying of requested records shall be estimated in advance at the request of the citizen as set forth in subsection F of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia. The five days allowed the County for a response does not include the time between provision of a requested estimate and approval of the estimate by the requester. 
  • If the estimated cost is more than $200, a deposit may be required (not to exceed the amount of the estimate), before the County proceeds with your request. The five days allowed the County for a response does not include the time between a request for a deposit and a response from the requester.
  • Cost covers items such as staff time, copying or any other resources directly related to supplying the requested records. It does not include general overhead.
  • If money is owed from a previous FOIA request that has remained unpaid for more than 30 days, Arlington County may require payment of the past-due bill before responding to a new FOIA request.
General Guidelines for Requests
  • The County requires that the name and the address of the requester be provided so that it can be determined to whom to send the information, but also so that the County can be determine whether the person requesting the information is entitled to request records under the law.
  • You must identify the records needed with reasonable specificity. This does not refer to or limit the volume or number of records requested; instead, it requires that a request be specific enough to identify and locate records.
  • You must ask for existing records or documents. FOIA allows for inspection or copying of records; it does not require the County to answer general questions about the work of the department involved, nor does it require the department to create a record that does not exist.
  • Records can be provided in the format in which they were created.
  • For example, if you’re requesting records maintained in an Excel spreadsheet, you may elect to receive those records electronically, via email or on a computer disk, or to receive a printed copy of those records. Records created by hand can only be provided in print.
  • You may be contacted if there are questions.
  • Please be advised that FOIA requests are public records.

The Code of Virginia allows any public body to withhold certain records from public disclosure. Arlington County commonly withholds records subject to exemptions such as:

  • Personnel records
  • Records subject to attorney-client privilege
  • Vendor proprietary information
  • Records relating to the negotiation and award of a contract, prior to a contract being awarded
  • Security matters

Code of Virginia citations for the complete list of record exemptions: